Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Tattoos without meaning?

             Okay, one thing that always bothered me was people and their opinions about tattoos. I feel like if you want a tattoo, that it shouldn't always have to mean something!! LIKE if i want a OWL ON MY THIGH, then I'm going to get a gosh dang owl on my thigh.
              Like it's about the art too. I could get a dream catcher on my arm and a van goh portrait on my back. WHO CARES?! it's not your body silly! DO WHAT YOU WANTTT.
              I think it's about that person anyway. Like me for instance, i love Lord of The Rings; always have, SOoOoOo for my first tattoo i got an Elvish quote from Tolkien (: My tattoo says "Not all those who wander are lost." I'll show you a picture!!
                   But to further my point, keep your comments to yourself. Especially if you don't have any tattoos? Because how would you know anything about them? I don't care if your dad is a tattoo artist, or your uncle, or your grandpa. People will do what they want. So shut up, sit back, and mind your own.(:
                   No one gets tattoos to impress other people, and if you do? The you need to reevaluate your life.


Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Do you remember?

       Do you remember what it was like as a child? When everything was so innocent and you never paid any mind to anything and everything you did? When the world was your playground; and everything was your toy. Remember playing outside after school in the hot sun so free, so full of life, and so carefree? I do.

  The reason i bring this up is because i think most if not, all of us are losing our childish touch. Our memories are precious even when they are bad; it's the only thing we can hold on to when it comes to the past. Memories.

  Especially childhood memories. I feel like when we were kids everything was so simple. for most of us. And when i say simple i mean we almost literally didn't have to worry about anything ever; i feel as if the mind of a child is the most precious of all, all because of one thing. Imagination.

    Do you remember when school was the highlight of your day? When you couldn't wait till you woke up, just to go into a building of knowledge and finger painting? Do you remember that? Do you remember anything? 

   Have you grown up to be what you thought you would? Are you satisfied? Just remember what you wanted to grow up to be as a child, and compare it to what you are now. Have you succeeded? Have you failed? Remember. 

Friday, April 11, 2014

RANT.(short blog)

      HAHA. Okay, lets talk about girls and guys thinking their country all the sudden?? Stop. Just because you are infatuated with Luke Bryan's tight pants and Brad Paisleys number one hit on the radio does NOT give you an excuse to label yourself as "country".
       I know girls that have gone to a rodeo once, and after that they dress in Ariat boots and flannels, and all the sudden instead of buying a Ferrari they want daddy to buy them KEEP WRANGLERS. STOOOPPP. PLEASE STOP.
        Like its cool if you think the country life style is fun, and its nice to go to a bon fire or honky ton (or however you spell it) every once in a while, but once you go being a holister model one day to a red neck that's just being a wannabe sorry.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Lesbiens vs. Gay men??

       Okay, this week we are talking about a more touchy real world subject. Homosexuality, and its stereotypes. Most people i know are not okay with gay men, but women. And these people being men themselves, make me pretty mad. These Man think gay men are "disgusting" and "repulsive faggots" but are all for girls kissing girls! Because it's "hot" and men are "not".
         Disgusting; absolutely repulsive. Now I'm not saying ALL men think this way but a good majority of them do, and have said it to me. Now i am a straight girl and i always have been, but i was raised around gay couples all my life. Both my aunts from both sides of my family are lesbians, and to be honest i never really knew. They were just like every other couple i ever seen; and i thought it was okay for a girl to kiss a girl. And it is.
           Gay women, and men are not an abomination. Now don't get me wrong i LOVE god, he is my savior and my father and i know all too well that it says in the bible that men shall not lay with men. But, it's not like their going to stop? Honestly what's the point in hating gays? What are you getting out of it? Trust me, i know some things you see from a gay couple are disturbing, especially the flamers; BUT it's whatever ya know?
            IT not like i support you to BECOME gay. But if you are; cool. If you aren't; cool. It's all cool. stop worrying so much about what other people are doing and just go on about your life. It's pathetic, and I'm not sorry. This earths population is growing, and guess what? So are homosexual growth rates.(: SOOOO Get over yourself, get off the hater train, and live your own freaking life because you re wasting your time mean mugging, and hating gay people. Bye. <3

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Don't go with your heart!

             All I ever hear left and right is "oh honey go with your heart" or "follow your heart." Either one, either way it's wrong okay? Like half the time your heart screws you completely and utter over. Like, not just with relationships but with literally anything else.
             Alright, say you wanted to go out to eat somewhere, but as soon as you get there you don't want to eat there anymore. Aye, blame it on the heart. Or you just broke up with your ex, and your heart tells you to leave him alone but you want to send him a text.. SO you send him/her a text and you get blown off in a harsh way because your heart tells you to do something your mind told you not to do. And now you're full of regret like, "oh darn i shouldn't of texted my ex and told him how i felt now I'm all sad." Blah blah BLAH.
             Aye man, listen to your head, it might be dumb sometimes but your heart goes by feelings and NOT common sense. Get what I'm saying? Anything remotely logical goes through the mind, and thought process. Your heart just kind of jumps at things, because its all emotional. Anything decided with your heart cam out of either love, or remorse.
                Just be smarter about what you do. Use your head. I bet i can get more comments on bad things people have experienced with "Follow your heart," than good things. Let me know.

Thursday, March 6, 2014


What’s the point of two hour delays? Why don't we just... not have school? Honestly what is the logical point of having a 20/30 minute class of nothing? WE DO NOTHING. We go to school to learn right? Well in two hour delays in MY class at least we do absolutely nothing for a whole eight periods. Maybe from time to time we'll play an educational game but that’s hardly ever.

Another thing that bothers me about two hour delays is the time we have in class is not long enough to learn anything, especially when the teacher has to rush it all?! THAT is annoying as CRAP. Today my math teacher went over three problems and he SKIPPED like FIVE whole steps?! Steps that we need to know in order to finish the gosh darn problem!! I sat there with my mouth like ":O" << literally that--for at least two minutes, and he saw me and continued to the next problem! Then I was all like ":D" And just sat there after that and had to solve it properly by myself... which I didn't because I kept getting a wrong answer.

I feel like maybe two hour delays should be a choice, ya know? Like those of us who need extra help or have nothing else to do. Like say you have a test or quiz on a Friday that week, you should go to school on that two hour delay for extra help! BUT those of us who DON'T need help should be allowed to go out and have fun with friends that day, because like I said TWO HOUR DELAYS FOR ANY SCHOOL are POINTLESS and shouldn't even be a thing!!! Someone PLEASE tell me you feel that same?! Or tell me why you disagree?

Maybe you can change my mind? ;) Annnndddd enjoy this picture of a guy with a creepy smile. KBYE!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Surround yourself with lovley things.

Today is one of those days i talked about before where we would talk about something a little more serious. Today's topic is stress. We all get it, it's a part of life we all can not escape from. But there are ways to dodge it, bob, and swerve it. Avoid it as much as possible by using health skills. Keep yourself out of trouble and make it a goal to stay intact with friends and family; just make sure its the right friends and family to be around.
 Don't surround yourself with people who have constant drama, anyone who is 99% of your problems probably doesn't need to be in your life. Its hard but you have to make the right decision for your self because building character helps with stress. If you're a positive person then you'll mist likely have a positive vibe on others and that should create a less stressful enviorment for yourself.
What people don't think about is, it's your body and mind and you control it. Only you. So get out there and don't let yourself be stressed, or depressed, or angry, just LIVE. you have to MAKE life what you want it to be, it is up to YOU. Be the best you, you can be and surround yourself with lovely things.

Thursday, February 6, 2014


Hello, my name is Trinity, and this is Trinity's blog. Here we will talk about all things that are silly, ridiculous, and flat-out embarrassing like teen trends or personal funny life stories.

But here we especially focus on relatable embarrassing stories, like how in school or in any public bathroom when we are alone doing our business, we all tend to get comfortable and just let it all out. And so we'll be sitting there on the toilet really getting into it and someone walks in and just kills our vibe completely and it gets awkward because you're not finished. Yes, it's disturbing, but we have all done it--let's be honest here.

Thats another thing to look forward to in Trinity's blog! Being blunt and honest about my topics. My viewers deserve only the best from their fellow blogger. ;)

Somewhere down the line, there will be those very few personal, more serious blogs because well, come on, we all get a little emotional sometimes.

If you have a decent sense of humor, feel free to follow Trinity's blog. If not, well, thank you for your time.

Thursday, January 23, 2014


So today i was walking in the halls and all I heard were guys and girls saying, "Best move." I'm sorry? What is a "best move"? Like "Bro, I went to Chipotle today. BEST  MOVE." Who knows? Kids these days make up the weirdest slang for things.

Another thing, I see this trending a lot and I'm not sure why. IPhone cases with 3D jewels on them. I mean full on freaking diamonds on the back of their iPhone cases. Doesn't that feel uncomfortable? I saw one today with exaggeratedly long fur all over it, and I'm pretty sure it was supposed to be a bear? Like how in the world do you do anything with that on your phone? You can't even lay it down because of all the crap on the back. It would just tip over completely. That's like me taking a live puppy dog and gluing it to the back of my iPhone case! That's how bad these girls phone accessories are! I understand you like pretty things, ladies, but COME ON?! It's getting a bit ridiculous.